The pinnacle of all our detox and weight management programmes, Nutrigenomics can alter the course of your health with a highly medical approach combining the specialisms of our doctors with expertise in metabolism.
Thanks to our team’s creation and interpretation of the most accurate analysis of metabolism available via blood, and our subsequent nutritional and exercise protocols, treatments, and on-going support, you can fundamentally influence your genetic expression for increased life expectancy.
Euphoria Retreat’s Signature Nutrigenomics Programme is more than a diet and nutrition Programme. Our extensive testing measures the influence of your lifestyle and nutritional habits in the expression of your genetic code.
Alongside your innovative blood panel (after a 12-hour fast), which measures 200 parameters, we also create a metabolic map from a cell culture, which allows assessment of your cellular respiration, gut flora, your general detoxification and how you metabolize macro and micronutrients.
This programme is also available over 14 days and 21 days.
Get in touch for more details.
Nutrigenomics Wellness Retreat:
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